Friday, December 26, 2008

Benchmark for processing requests from employees

Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
(Housing -III section)

Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
Dated:- the 27th Nov, 2008


Subject:    Benchmark for processing requests from employees .

       The undersigned is directed to inform that benchmarks for processing requests received in Admn. Division from employees of this Ministry have been fixed. A detailed list of items of work for which benchmarks have been fixed is enclosed herewith for information.

(Jitender Kumar)
Under Secretary (Admin.)

Sl.No. Item Section Maximum days for processing of request
1 GPF Advance/withdrawal Admn-II 5 days
2 TA Advance Admn-II 5 days
3 TA Settlement Claim Admn-II 5 days
4 LTC Advance Admn-II 5 days
5 LTC Settlement Claim Admn-II 5 days
6 Scooter/Computer/Motor Car Advance Admn-II 5 days
7 Leave Encashment Admn-I/IV 5 days
8 Reimbursement of Children Education Allowance Admn-IV 5 days
9 Permission for medical treatment Admn-III 3 days
10 Reimbursement of Medical Claim Admn-II 5 days
11 Computer/Printer/Photocopier/Telephone complaints Admn-III 2 days
12 Issue of parking lables Admn-III 2 days
13 Issue of temporary pass Admn-III 2 days
14 Issue of permanent pass Admn-III 5 days