Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Office Memorandum from DoP&T

Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel and Training


Subject-Submission ofImmovable Property Return for the year 2008 (as on 1.1.2009)- Regarding -

1. The undersigned is directed to say that Immovable Property Return for the year 2008 (as on 1.1.2009) is required to be submitted by all the group 'A' and Group 'B' (GazettedlNon- Gazetted) officers, in the prescribed proforma latest by 31st January, 2009.
2. The officers belonging to All India/Central group' A' Organised Service other than CSS should send one copy of the return to their respective Cadre Authorities direct and another copy to EO(PR) Section of this Department under intimation to the Vigilance Section.
3. The CSS officers of the rank of Under Secretary and above should send their return to EO(PR) Section direct under intimation to this Section.
4. All the other officers should furnish their return tothe Vigilance Section.
5. The return may be furnished latest by 31st January, 2009.

Statement of immovable property return for the year 2008 (As on 01-01-2009)
1. Name of Officer (in full) and service to which the officer belongs.........
2. Cadre (in case of IAS officers) .....................
3. Present post held...........
4. Present Pay.............
Name of
District, Sub-
Division, Taluk & Village or
City in which
property is
location &
postal address)
Name &
Details of
property, Housing
lands and
other buildings
cost of
(and year
purchsed) including of
land in case
of house
If not in own
name, state
in whose
name held &
to the Govt.
How acquired
whether by
lease**, mortagage,
inheritance, gift or
otherwise with
date of acquisition
& name with
details of person(s)
from whom
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Signature :
Name :
Designation :
Date :
Note :Please read the notes overleaf before filling up the form.

1. In case where it is not possible to assess the value accurately, the approximate value in relation to present conditions may be indicated.
2. Inculdes short-term lease also
3. The declaration form is required to be filled in and submitted by every member of Class I and II services under relevant provision of Conduct Rules and the first appointment to the service and thereafter, at the interval of every twelve months, giving pa11iculars of all immovable property owned, a.cquired or inhetited by him or held by him on lease or mortgage, either in his own name at in the name of any member of his famity or in the name of any other person dependent on Government servant.
4. The wording 'No change or No addition or as in previous yeaar' may be avoided and all details filled up.
5. AIS offficers are requested to fill the form in duplicate.


Vinayak June 20, 2010 at 11:47 AM  

i am c/man II my basic is 13300/-i am recruit as a plater in1981 & as per III pay commission my basic increased to rs.225/- to260/-in my plater trade Chanel there is no rs 330/- grade in 1996 i get rs.380/-(hsk-I)in 2006 i got c/man promotion but i did not gat any ACP PL HELP ME OUT