Thursday, January 15, 2009

Setting up of Anomaly Committee to settle the Anomalies arising out of the implentationof the 6th CPC recommendations.

The Government has released orders
for constituting National Anomaly Committee and
Departmental Anomaly Committees for settlement of anomalies
arising out of implementation of 6th CPC recommendations.


Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions

Department of Personnel & Training

JCA Section



Dated the 12th January, 2009
Subject:- Setting up of Anomaly Committee to settle the Anomalies arising out of the implentationof the 6th CPC recommendations.
Definition of AnomalyAnomaly will inculde the folllwing cases:
(a) Where the Official Side and the Staff Side are of the opinion that any recommendation is in contravention of the principle or the policy enunciated by the 6th CPC itself without the Commissionassigning any reason: and
(b) Where the maximum of the revised scale is less than the amount at which one is entitled to be fixed except in those cases where the same is as a result of modified fixation formula adopted by theGovernment and
(c) Where the amount of revised allowance is less than the existing rate.
(2) Composition: There will be 2 levels of Anomaly Committees, National and Departmental, consisting of reprensentativesof the Official Side and the Staff Side of the National Council and the Departmental Council respectively.
(3) The Departmental Anomaly Committee may be chaired by the Additional Secretary (Admn.) or the JointSecretary (Admn.), if there is no post of Additional Secretary (Admn.). Financial Adviser of the Ministry/Departmentshall be one of the Members of the Departmental Anomaly Committee.
(4) The National Anomaly Committee will deal with anomalies common to two or more Departments and inrespect of common categories of employees. The Departmental Anomaly Committee will deal with anomaliespertaining exclusively to the Department concerned and having no repercussions on the employees of anotherMinistry/Department in the opinion of the Financial Adviser. The items already taken up by the Fast Track Committeewill not be considered by the Anomaly Committee.
(5) The Anomaly Committee shall receive anomalies through Secretary, Staff Side of respective Council upto six months from the date of its constitution an it will finally dispose of all the anomalies within a period of one yearfrom the date of its constitution. Any recommendations of the Anomaly Committee to resolve the anomaly shallto the approval of the Govenment.
(6) Cases where there is a dispute about the definition of "anomaly" and those where there is a disagreementthe staff side and the official side on the anomaly will be referred to and "Arbitrator" to be appointed out of apanel of names proposed by the two sides. However, this arbitration will not be a part of the JCM scheme.
(7) The Arbitrator so appointed shall consider the disputed cases arising in the Anomaly Committees at the National as well as Departmental level.
(8) Orders regarding appointment of the Arbitrator and constitution of Anomaly Committee at NationalLevel will be issued separately.
(9) All Ministries/Departments are accordingly requested to take urgent action to set up the Anomaly Committeesfor settlement of anomalies arising out of implementation of the 6th CPC recommendations as stipulated above.
Sd/- (Dinesh Kapila) Deputy Secretary (JCA)


Anonymous,  March 4, 2009 at 2:15 PM  


I am (Sr.Private Secretary)going to complete 4 years in the existing scale of pay of 7500-12000in September 2009. according to 6pc after completion of 4 years scale of pay will become 8000-13500 with grade pay 5400. I want to know whether any pay fixation is there in the scale of 8000-13500 after completion of 4 years or will give only grade pay 5400. please give me information.

subrata June 25, 2009 at 11:27 AM  

I have joined in the pay scale of 6500-200-10500 in an autonomous institute under DST on 2.08.2006. after implementation of 6th CPC i am loosing around Rs.2790 in basic and around Rs.7000 in gross. so my request to the anomaly committee to solve the problem.

raju_200607 May 31, 2010 at 2:36 PM  

Dear Sir,
I am joined on the baisc of Rs.5100/- (open ended) in August, 2001. When the vacancy was posted before pay revision it is as Rs.2600/- and after revision it becomes as Rs.5700/- but we are offered to join at Rs.5100/-.

We have joined the organisation in 2001, but we do not about this anomaly at that time.

When we know about this anomaly, we put the case to managment but they refused about this.

Kindly suggest for solution to get the actual grade scale.


arvind,  June 17, 2010 at 12:28 PM  

I am a teacher in navodaya vdyalya smiti. I want to know that weather I can avail All india LTC in our summer Break In July. Also i want to clarify the one rule of LTC that LTC can not be availed during the closed holidays. What is the meaning of this? Tell me.
With Thanks