Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Acceptance of Part-Time employment by the members of the All India Service

Government of India - Department of Personnel and Training

It has come to the notice of this Department that there is some doubt about allowing members of the All India Service to accept Part-time employment in other Government, Quasi-Government or an Autonomous body not controlled by the Government or a private body.

Such employment, even though it is outside office hours, is contrary to the principle embodied in rule 13(1) of the All India Service (Conduct) Rules, 1968, which stipulates that no members of the Service shall except, with the previous sanction of the Government, engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business, or negotiate for or undertake, any other employment.

Allowing a member of the Service to take part-time employment before/after office hours in other organizations may result in some Deterioration in his efficiency because if he does part-time work in addition to his full working hours in his office, he may not get sufficient time for rest and recreation and will, therefore, be unable to give undivided attention to his work even during office hours. Moreover, such Part-time work by members of All India Service leads generally to depriving unemployed people of work, which they would otherwise have got.

Having regard to all these considerations, it has been decided that while the competent authority may permit a member of the service to undertake work of a casual or occasional character, a whole time member of the Service should not ordinarily he allowed to accent any part-time employment whether under Government or elsewhere, even though such employment may be after office hours.

These instructions may please be brought to the notice of all the members of the All India Service.