Thursday, February 5, 2009

Anomaly Committee of the National Council (JCM) to settle the Anomalies arising out of the implentationof the 6th CPC recommendations:

Anomaly Committee of the National Council (JCM) to settle the anomalies arising out of the implementation of 6th CPC recommendations.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel Training
JCA Section


Subject:- Anomaly Committee of the National Council (JCM) to settle the Anomalies arising out of the implentationof the 6th CPC recommendations:

In accordance with the instructions contained in this Department's OM of even number dated 12th January 2009, it has been decided to set up, as indicated below, the Anomaly Committee of the National Council (JCM) consisting of representatives of the Official Side and the Staff Side to settle any anomalies arising out of the implementation of the 6th CPC recommendations:-

1. Secretary, Chairman Deptt. of Pers. & Trg.
2. Member (Staff) Rly. Board.
3. Secretary, Deptt. of Telecommunication.
4. Secretary, Deptt. of Posts.
5. Financial Adviser (Defence) Ministry of Defence.
6. Joint Secretary, (Pers) Ministry of Finance.
7. Joint Secretary, Deptt. of Personnel & Trg.
8. Deputy Secretary (JCA), Deptt. of Personnel & Trg.

1. Shri. U.M. Pruohit
2. Shri. M.Raghavaiah
3. Shri. Rakhal Das Gupta
4. Shri. R.P.Bhatnagar
5. Shri. Guman Singh
6. Shri. C.Srikumar
7. Shri. S.K.Vyas
8. Shri. Ch.Sankara Rao
9. Shri. K.S.Murty
10. Shri. R.Srinivasan
11. Shri. K.K.N.Kutty
12. Shri. S.G.Mishra

The working of the Committee would be in terms of the conditions laid down in this Department's OM dated 12th January 2009 mentioned above.

(Dinesh Kapil)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India


kkp,  March 4, 2009 at 2:55 PM  


I humbly request you to provide me the information cited below:
According to 6pc after completion of 4 years in the existing scale of 7500-12000(Sr.Private Secretary) with grade pay of rs. 4800 become eligible to be placed in the scale of Rs. 8000-13500 corresponding to the revised pay band PB 2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs. 5400. I am going to complete 4 years in September 2009. Is there any pay fixation to be placed in the scale of Rs.8000-13500 or only will give grade pay 5400 and if so when i will get this benefit ? from September 2009 or from increment date i.e. July 2009. Please clarify.


VidyaSagar May 21, 2009 at 1:48 PM  

i wanted to know the any member of the commitee email adress.
to convey a pecular problem of the employees " a persons gets will be fixed in less basic after promotion than a new person joined in the same scale " how far it is justifable.

dharmendra kumar,  May 22, 2009 at 4:24 PM  

sir govt should finish grd pay of rs 4600/- which among 4200 and 4800. after so long period of 10 years one's grd pay would be increased only rs 200/- that is negelectable due to dearness after 10 years from today. More over, sir i would never got promoted in my cadre during my entire service life due to very cone shape and least widen structure of my cadre. so after awaiting for 10 yrs my salary hike would be much petty i.e. only rs 200/- so i request please give me grd pay rs 4800 after my first acp which is due in june 2008. thanks.

dharmendra kumar

Ramadurai.B August 22, 2009 at 8:09 PM  

In the 5th pay commission, the Director’s scales are S-24 (14300-400-18300) and the Joint Director/Deputy secretary/Scientist ‘D’(DRDO)/Scientific Officer-E(DAE) and a Director equivalent scale was S-21 (1200-375-16500), S-22 (12750-375-16500) and S-23 (12000-375-18000). The difference between a Joint Director/Deputy Secretary/Scientist ‘D’(DRDO)/Scientific Officer-E(DAE) and a Director was Rs. 2300/-. or Rs. 1550/- only. The nature & responsibility of duties of above two category officers is almost similar with an exception in few areas.
In the 6th pay commission, the Director’s scale is Pay Band 4 (i.e. 37400-67000) with grade pay Rs. 8700. The Joint Director/Deputy Secretary/Scientist ‘D’(DRDO)/Scientific Officer-E(DAE) in 6th pay commission is pay Band 3 (i.e. 15600-39100) with grade pay Rs.7600. The difference between The difference between a Joint Director/Deputy Secretary/Scientist ‘D’ and a Director is Rs. 21,800/= Whereas the nature & responsibility of duties of above two category officers is almost similar with an exception in few areas even after implementing the 6th pay Commission. Why this huge difference between these two categories NOW. Therefore, the authorities concerned are requested to look into this anomaly

Anonymous,  August 23, 2009 at 6:35 PM  

Honourable members,
I want to draw your attaintion how pay commission restricted our future by not merging pat scales 7450 & 7500 when so many pay scales were merged why these two pay scales were not merged with only 50 rupee difference.This is only to restrict employees with GP4200 to attain GP 5400 before 30 rears of service.After 30 years of service nothing is left.GP 4200is a very importatant grade and government cannot ignore them.They should abolish GP that we can attained GP 5400 after 20 years of service.So,please take necessary steps inthis regard.

Anonymous,  August 23, 2009 at 6:46 PM  

The Vth cpc gave more importance to class I posts.This VI cpc only add to it by creating more differance between lower and upper class employees.At one end it gave 80% hike to some classI employees & only gave 20% to 30% to classII,III & IV employees.It seems that pay commissions are made for the directors,secretaries & executives and not for common employees who constitutes 80% of the total strength.We should not accept such type of injustice.

Anonymous,  August 25, 2009 at 10:32 PM  

In NSSO,some 5 to 6 years back,the regional offices wre headed by the assistant directors zonal offices were headed by a joint director & the head of NSSO was a director now the regional offices are headed by directos, in place of 1 director now some 100 of directors are in this organisation.Two times cader review is done for ISS officers.Why such review is not done for other caders.

amit March 21, 2010 at 10:53 PM  

मै आप का ध्यान भारतीय रेलवे के चिकित्सा विभाग के पद ई .सी .जी टेक्नी. में व्याप्त अनियमिताओ की तरफ आकर्षित करना चाहूँगा ।
१) भारतीय रेलवे के विभिन्य अस्पतालों में ई सी जी टेक्नी कई वर्षो से ई सी जी के अतिरिक्त टी ऍम टी , होल्टर , ईकोकार्दिओग्राफी इत्यादि हार्ट की अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण जांचो में भी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते आ रहे है परन्तु पद नाम ई सी जी टेकनीसीयन होने के कारण व्यापक पैमाने पर उनके द्वारा किये जाने वाले कार्यो को अत्यंत कम आँका जाता है ।
अस्तु विनम्र निवेदन है की ई सी जी तकनी .पद नाम परिवर्तित कर ने नया नाम कार्डियोलोजी तकनी किया जाये।
२) ई सी जी तकनी का भारतीय रेलवे में कोई भी पदोनती का मार्ग नहीं है केवल ऐ सी पी ही एक मार्ग है जिसके यह पद अन्य समकक्ष पदों की तुलना में तीव्र गति से पीछे होता जा रहा है । अत: इस पद के लिए संगठित पदोनती मार्ग आपेक्षित है ।

३) इस पद की उपयोगिता हर अस्पताल में दिन प्रतिदिन बढती जा रही है क्योकि आज हार्ट के मरीजो की संख्या काफी बढ़ चुकी है परन्तु रेलवे के अधिकतर अस्पतालों में या तो ऐसा कोई पद है ही नहीं और अगर है भी तो पदों की संख्या १-२ ही है जो की मरीजो की संख्या और उपलब्ध बिस्तरों की संख्या की तुलना में अत्यंत ही कम है ।

४) ई एस आयी अस्पताल मॉडल अस्पताल अँधेरी मुंबई ( मिनिस्टरी ऑफ़ लेबर भारत सरकार ) के द्वारा प्रकाशित विज्ञापन दिनांक ०८/०८ /२००९ ,में ई सी जी तकनी पद हेतु ग्रेड पे - २८०० दर्शायी गयी है परन्तु रेलवे विभाग में इस पद हेतु ग्रेड पे २४०० प्रदान की जा रही है । दोनों ही संस्थानों में नियुक्ति हेतु पात्रता सामान है परन्तु ग्रेड पे अलग अलग है जो की न्याय संगत नहीं है ।
महोदय आप से , भारतीय रेलवे की यूनियन से एवं अन्य सक्षम अधिकारियो से विनम्र निवेदन है की रेलवे में चिकित्सा विभाग में कार्यरत , ई सी जी तकनी जो की अति कम कम संख्या में है के भविष्य को ध्यान में रखते हुए ऐसा निर्णय ले की कार्यरत कर्मचारियों का भविष्य उज्जवल हो सके और उन्हें भी अन्य पदों के सामान सम्मान मिल सके ।

अमित श्रीवास्तव
ई सी जी तकनी /प म रे /जबलपुर

Anonymous,  June 8, 2010 at 8:58 PM  

I want to know from answerable and highly skilled hag(pb-4) chairperson about meaning of murger & up gradation & difference between up gradation & degradation for pay scale 5000,5500&6500

Kizhursatish July 8, 2010 at 11:00 PM  

I am an UDC working DGQA whose grade pay is Rs.2400/-. I am a graduate and I have acquired typewriting higher qualification with 90% marks and also desirable computer knowledge. In my same office our Industrial employees whose qualification is only 7th std are drawing Rs.4200/- in the name of MCM. We are only six clerks in our office all UDCs and without an superviosry category we are running the show very well. All 6th CPC works had been completed in time. But no body is bothered to look into our prospects. Our LDCs had become UDC only after completion of 24 years. We are a very much neglected category of Central Government. Clerical jobs were mentioned as a White color job earlier but now we are in a bottom position at par with a Labourer or safaiwala. I request your kindness to please open your eyes towards the deprived category atleast once in a life time and help us if you can.

Anonymous,  July 29, 2010 at 3:25 PM  


National Council (JCM)
New Delhi.

Sub : Anomaly in MACP.

It was very hopeful for us when a seperate committee to settle the anomalies of MACP was formed by the NAC. But till date nothing is heard about any discussion/solution. Most probably, the committee is waiting for next pay commission.
I would like to request the concern to held regular meetings for settling the anomalies of MACP as we are the loser govt. servant after getting 1st MACP.