Awards of Board of Arbitration Pending with the Government from 2006
Statement Containing 16 Pending Board of Arbitration Awards:
1.C.A. Ref. No. 6/95 Weightage for Night Duty for employees drawing pay more than Rs.2200 and Night Duty Weightage allowance to Nurses.
2. C.A. Ref. No. 2/2002 Notional Pay for computation of HRA / CCA for the period from 1.1.96 to 31.7.97.
3. C.A. Ref. No. 3/2001 Allotment of proper revised scale to categories of Sr. Auditors. Sr. Accountants. Head Clerks & Account Assts. in Ministries/Departments.
4. C.A. Ref. No. 1/2004 Revision of Washing Allowance.
5. C.A. Ref. No. 2/2004 Revision of rates of Over Time Allowance.
6. C.A. Ref. No. 6/2004 regarding payment of Night Duty Allowance in revised pay scales from 1.1.1996
7. C.A. Ref. No. 5/2004 Regarding treating the advance increments granted to Stenographers for the speed test as pay for all purposes.
8. C.A. Ref. No. 3/2004 Revision of rates of Transport Allowance.
1.C.A. Ref. No. 3/86 – Encashment of earned leave while in service.
2. C.A. Ref. No. 1/88 – Grant of Conveyance Allowance to non-gazetted Central Government employees at the rate of Rs.60 per month.
3. C.A. Ref. No. 8/93 – Regarding fixation of pay of Inspectors of Income Tax on upward revision of their pay scale under FR-22-C.
4. C.A. Ref. No. 9/93 – Regarding grant of Special Pay to Inspectors in the office of the Commissioner of Income-Tax. (Central Circle)
5. C.A. Ref. No. 7/98 – Regarding revision of pay scale of Computers in the office of RGI.
6. C.A. Ref. No. 7/93 – Reg. grant of FR 22 (c) (now FR 22(1)9(a)(I)
benefit to Watchmen, Farash, Mali etc., on their promotion as Gr. D Peon w.e.f. 1.8.99.
7. C.A. Ref. No. 5/93 – Reg. cash allowance to staff handling cash as a regular measure and grant of cash allowance to postal staff who are engaged for salary bills/pension disbursement.
8. C.A. Ref. No. 1/92 – Reg.revision of pay scale of Artist and Photographer in Botanical Survey of India.
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