Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Discontinue emergency services at all CGHS wellfare Centres with immediate effect



Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Department of Health & Family Welfare
CGHS (P) Division

Nirman Bhavan, Maulana Azad Road New Delhi
Dated 18th May,2009

Office Memorandum

Sub: Emergency services at CGHS Wellness Centres (Previously known as CGHS dispensaries)

The undersigned is directed to state that CGHS has been providing emergency medical services to its beneficiaries by operating afternoon and night shift emergency units at selected wellness cnetres, beyond the normal working hours of the wellness centres. It has been observed that attendance in the emergency shifts in the after noon and night shifts has been very low. Additionally, CGHS is faced with shortage of manpower for running its wellness centres during normal shift/working hours.

2. The question as to whether the emergency medical services should be continued by the CGHS has been under consideration of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, especially in view of the fact that in emergency, cGHS beneficiaries can reach any hospitals for treatment. It was felt that there was no apparent jurisdiction for the continuation of emergency serivces in the afternoon and hight shifts at the cost of OPD services during normal working hours. In supersession of all existing instruction in the matter, it has been dicided to discontinue emergency services in the afternoon and night shifts at all CGHS wellfare Centres with immediate effect in all CGHS covered cities.

3. All Additional Directors/Joint Directors are requested to utilize manpower that will become available as a result of stoppage of emergency services, in the wellness centres, etc. wherever shortage exist.

4. The emergency services being provided at the following wellness centres in Delhi will, however, continue to function until further orders:
1. North Avenue, New Delhi
2. South Avenue, New Delhi
3. Telegraph Lane, New Delhi
4. Dr.Zakir Hussain Road, New Delhi
5. Timarpur Hospital cum Wellness Centre, New Delhi
6. Kingsway Camp Hospital cum Wellness Centre, New Delhi


Anonymous,  June 23, 2009 at 7:53 PM  

Some of the Wellness clinics in New Delhi is contiued and similar arrangement has not been made for other cities.DGHS may provide detailed instructions/guidelines for treatment in emergency of the pensioners, including hospital details.The no of authorised hospitals in Bangalore is very less and there is no hospital in north Bangalore.

Mohan June 25, 2010 at 4:05 PM  

Dear Raghavaiahji, will you pl get the following point clarified from Ministry of Personnel and Pension.
On completion of 15 years of Central Government service in a permanent capacity, I applied for a direct recruitment post in a Central Government Autonomous body . On selection, I submitted technical resignation from Central Government service and joined the Central Government Autonomous Body in December 1989 on immediate permanent absorption basis under the scheme for Mobility of Personnel between Central Government Departments and Central Autonomous Bodies. For the service rendered under the Central Government, I was granted pro-rata pension and gratuity from CPAO. In accordance with the option available at that time, I drew 100 % lumpsum payment in lieu of pension. On completion of 15 years, one-third of the pension was restored to me (without Dearness Relief.).
The service under the Central Autonomous body where I am working at present also is pensionable service and the pensionary entitlements are paid from the Pension Fund Scheme maintained by the Autonomous body. The pensionary claims also are regulated as per the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 as revised from time to time.Now I have completed 24 years of service under the Autonomous body and is retiring in November 2009.

Now I have a doubt . Am I not eligible for the for the full pension from the Autonomous body as I have completed more than the minimum qualifying service of 20 years for full pension in the Autonomous body and also for the residuary pension from CPAO for the Central Govt. service. Is there any limitation?

I have not seen any orders on any restriction on clubbing the pension for the service under the Autonomous body with the pension I got from the Central Govt. for the service rendered under GOI. . I hope many of the members of the forum can advice me.