Concerted effort to increase representation of women in Central Government Jobs
No. 35021/2/2009-Estt.(C)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
North Block,New Delhi,
dated the 3rd July, 2009
Sub: Concerted effort to increase representation of women in Central Government Jobs.
The undersigned is directed to say that the President's address to the joint Session of Parliament inter-alia,. made the following commitment:
" Concerted effort to increase representation of women in Central Government Jobs "
2. As a part of the Action Plan of this Department approved by the Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions for implementing the above commitment, this Department has already issued instructions vide a.M.No.3502112/2009-Estt(C) dated 30 th June,2009 making it mandatory to have one woman member in the Selection
Boards/Committees for making recruitment to 10 or more vacancies and where lady candidates are expected to be available for the service/post. under the Central Government Even where the vacancies are less than 10, no effort should be spared in including a lady officer in such CommitteeslBoards.
3. In order to ensure that adequate lady candidates are attracted to Central Government jobs and to encourage them to apply for vacancies in the Central Government, it has now been decided that all advertisements/circulars for recruitment to Central Government jobs should invariably mention prominently that "Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply."
4. Accordingly all MinistrieslDeptts.lRecruiting agencies are requested to ensure that all vacancies advertisements/circulars for posts in Central Government contain the above message prominently. Every effort may also be made to give wide publicity to the extent feasible about all women friendly policies and concessions/facilities available to women empolyees in the Central Government,while making recruitment to posts in the Central
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