Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Rotation Transfer Policy of CSSS officers



Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

(Department of Pension & Pensioners'Welfare)

Lok Nayak Bhawan,New Delhi-110003
dated the 21th July, 2009


Sub: Rotational Transfer Policy (RTP) applicable to officers of the Central Secretariat Stenographers Service – Modifications thereof

In supersession of the existing Rotation Transfer Policy of CSSS officers laid down in OM No. 13/2/2001-CS.II dated 10.12.2002 & 08.08.2003 and OM No. 13/2/2006-CS.II dated 23.5.2006, the following shall be the revised rotational transfer policy.

     (1) The combined tenure of CSSS officers in a particular Ministry/Department shall be 5 years in the case of Principal Staff Officers, Sr. Principal Private Secretary and Pricipal Private Secretary.

     (2) The combined tenure of CSSS officers in a particular Ministry/Department shall be 7 years in the case of Private Secretary, Personnel Assistant and Stenograpgher Grade”D”.

     (3) On Promotion, an officer of the CSSS at any level shall be posted out of the Ministry/Department where he is currently posted.

     (4) If the CSSS officers has one year of service to retire, he will not come under the Rotational Transfer Policy, and on Promotion, if any he / she will be adjusted within the same Ministry/Department, provided there is a vacancy available in that grade.

     (5) The tenure of officials of CSSS in the personal staff of the Union Council of Minister shall be five years or till a Minister continues to hold the office, whichever is earlier.

(2) It is requested that the above decision may be given wide publicity and brought to the notice of all concerned.