Port and Dock Workers To Go For Action If Settlement Delayed
All the major five workers’ federations affiliated to HMS, CITU, AITUC and INTUC, representing overwhelming majority of the Port & Dock workers all over the country expressed anguish over the extreme delay and non-settlement of wage-revision of the workers owing to negative attitude of the Port & Dock management.
In a joint letter issued to Shri G K Vasan, Minister of Shipping, Govt of India on 12th August 2009 the Federations urged upon urgent intervention to ensure a favourable settlement within two weeks time, failing which the federations will be compelled to resort to direct action including indefinite strike in all the ports and dock of the country.
The letter to minister was jointly signed by
M K Pandhe (CITU)
S R Kulkarni (HMS)
S K Shetye (HMS)
C Kalan (INTUC)
Text of the Federations letter is given below
Dear Shri Vasan,
We are extremely sorry to note that despite of more than 2.5 years after the expiry of the agreement and 19 meetings of the BWNC, the wage negotiations in Ports and Docks for wage settlement could not be arrived at. This is causing strong resentment amongst the workers. The Bi-partite Wage Negotiation Committee meeting held on 12 August 09 also failed to resolve the crisis.
We wish to note that the Govt. should intervene into the matter for a favourable settlement within two weeks, failing which the trade Unions will be left with no other option but to resort to direct action including indefinite strike in all the Ports. We hope you will appreciate the gravity of the situation and ensure that long pending settlement is arrived at without any further delay.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Source: CITU Centre
welldone for joint action committee
This decision should have taken earlier, mostly before election, why the five federations deleyed to take such decesion.
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