Central staff demand cut in prices
Seeking a fair deal: Central government employees form human chain on Tank Bund on Wednesday.
HYDERABAD: Members of the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers, Andhra Pradesh unit, on Wednesday formed a human chain on the Tank Bund, starting from Hyderabad to Secunderabad on the pavement demanding steps to reduce prices of essential commodities.
Led by T. Satyanarayana, chairman, and V. Nageswara Rao, general secretary of the confederation, the unique protest attracted both youth and aged employees who participated in good number. The protestors demanded filling of vacant group ‘D’ category posts, opposed outsourcing and closure of government undertakings.
They wanted the decision on new contributory pension scheme revised and removal of ‘arbitrary’ ceiling on compassionate appointments. According to Mr. Rao, employees of from the Postal department, AG’s office, Income-Tax, Survey, and Defence laboratories took part in the protest.
Protest against govt. policies
Demand justice: Central Government employees formed a human chain in front of the Head Post Office, Erode, on Wednesday to protest against various policies of the Government and also price rise.
ERODE: Union Government employees staged a protest here on Wednesday evening against Government policies and price rise.
The employees, affiliated to National Federation of Postal Employees, Federation of National Postal Organisation and Income Tax Employees Federation, and a few other organisation formed a human chain in front of the Head Post Office, Erode.
They urged the Government to control price rise, which they said was because of rise in prices of petrol and diesel, forward and
speculative trade in essential commodities, cut in States allocation of items meant for public distribution, permission to export sugar,and improper planning of food crops among others. The protesters pointed out that the Government had cut PDS allocation to States by as much as 73 per cent.
They also pointed to the absence of Department Council in various departments and arms of the Government and improper functioning of the Council where it existed and said both had caused discontent among employees, who were suffering without having a proper forum to air their grievances.
The employees highlighted the Government filling up Class Four/Group D vacancies with casual, contract and contingency staff, though the ban on recruitment had been removed.
Their other demand was to increase the medical allowance for pensioners. The Government had fixed the allowance at Rs. 100 though it had hiked other allowances, the protesters said and alleged that the Government had done so to only help private insurance firms.
Source: The Hindu
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