Calculation of Vacancies of Steno Grade 'C' (PA) earmarked for filling up through direct recruitment since 2003
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi - 110003
Dated : 17thMay, 2010.
Subject:Calculation of Vacancies of Steno Grade 'C' (PA) earmarked for filling up through direct recruitment since 2003.
The undersigned is directed to enclose a proforma seeking information regarding vacancies of Steno Grade 'C' (PA) earmarked for filling up through direct recritment since 2003.
2. As such, a proforma has been devised in the matter. All the Cadre Units are requested to ensure that the requisite information is furnished to this Department by 31.5.2010 in the enclosed proforma. In the absence of this information, Department of Personnel and Training is unable to proceed further with regular appointment of Steno Grade 'C' (PA). This will result in non-filling up of vacancies in your Cadre Units. As such, the information may be furnished on "TOP PRIORITY"
Under Secretary to the Government of India
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