Participation by Central Government servants in sporting events and tournaments of National or International importance
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
New Delhi , dated the 18th May, 2010.
Subject: Participation by Central Government servants in sporting events and tournaments of National or International importance.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's OM No.6/1/85-Pay-1 dated 16.7.85 in terms of which employees are entitled to grant of incentive increment on achieving excellence in sports events of national / international importance.
(i) There will be no further recruitment in Group ‘D’.
2.The question of defining the term 'Excellence' for grant of increment to a government servant has been examined in consultation with the D/Youth Affairs & Sports. It is clarified that sportspersons participating in sporting events (both individual and team events) of national and international importance will be treated as having achieved excellence for the purpose of grant of increment(s) if he/she achieves 1st, 2nd or 3rd position in the finals of sporting events if more than three individuals or teams have participated in the events. If only three or less individuals or teams have participated in the finals of a sporting event, the sportsperson/team achieving first position will be having achieved excellence.
(Rita Mathur)
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