Tamil Nadu Government Pensioners Health Fund Scheme, 1995 — Enhancement of Subscription — Orders — Issued
G.O.No.7, Dated: 6th January, 2012
(Margazhi-21, Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2042)
Tamil Nadu Government Pensioners Health Fund Scheme, 1995 — Enhancement of Subscription — Orders — Issued.
The Government in their order first read above had constituted a fund called “Tamil Nadu Government Pensioners’ Health Fund” with effect from 01.07.1995 to provide financial assistance to pensioners for undergoing specialised treatment / surgery, when they are affected by major ailments.
2. In the Government Order third read above the subscription recoverable from the pensioners was enhanced to Rs.50/-per month with effect from 01.04.2008 and the maximum limit was enhanced to Rs.1,00,000/- or 75% of the actual cost of treatment, whichever is less.
3. In the Government order fourth read above, the Tamil Nadu Government Pensioners’ Health Fund Scheme, 1995 was extended to the spouse of the pensioners with effect from 17.02.2009, subject to the maximum limit of Rs.1,00,000/- or 75% of the actual cost of treatment, whichever is less, for both the pensioner and spouse combined together and the contribution recoverable from the pensioners’ monthly pension was enhanced from Rs.50/- to Rs.100/- per month with effect from 01 .09.2009.
4. In the Government Order fifth read above, the scheme was extended to the family pensioners including teacher family pensioners, with effect from 01.09.2009 for whom subscription to the fund was fixed at Rs.75/- per month on their option to enroll under the scheme.
5. Though initially the scheme was introduced as a financially self sustaining one, the receipt of funds under the scheme by way of subscription collected from the pensioners was not sufficient to meet the claims received from the pensioners resulting in a backlog of pending applications for sanction of assistance under the scheme. Owing to extension of the scheme to the spouse of the pensioners and family pensioners and also due to the extension of the facility for those pensioners/ family pensioners who have undergone treatment / surgery even in unaccredited hospitals, claims received under the scheme increased enormously, leading to a deficit of more than Rs.4 crores per month which has to be supported by the Government and so far around Rs.80 crores has been sanctioned by the Government as additional grant to the fund from the inception of the scheme.
6. In order to avoid the ever increasing additional burden to the Government and to make a break even point, the Government, after careful examination decided to enhance the subscription recoverable from the pension of the State Government pensioners. Accordingly Government direct that the subscription from the pensioners shall be enhanced from Rs.100/- per month to Rs.150/- per month with effect from 01 .01 .2012 i.e. from the pension payable for the month of January, 2012. The Government also direct that the subscription recoverable from the family pensioners shall be enhanced from Rs.75/- per month to Rs.100/-per month with effect from 01 .01.2012 i.e. from the family pension payable for the month of January, 2012.
7. There shall be no change in the other terms and conditions of the scheme.
Source: www.tn.gov.in/
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