Friday, July 10, 2009

1.7 lakh vacancies in Railways, Mamata informs Rajya Sabha

Indian Railways has over 1.7 lakh vacancies which will be filled after the current recruitment process is reviewed, railway minister Mamata Banerjee informed the Rajya Sabha on Friday.

Replying to questions, she said the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) is being reviewed. "We have to examine(the recruitment process) and address lacunae. We will come back once we have done the review."

She said there were issues of regional aspirations and problems in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Guwahati over RRB exams. "We are reviewing the entire process."

Of the total sanctioned strength of 15,66,964 employees, there were 1,72,444 vacancies, she said. Most of the vacancies were in Group 'C' at 1,12,566, followed by Group 'D' at 58,329. There are 1,549 vacancies in A and B, she said.

"Any large organisation like the Railways will have certain vacancies at any point of time. Arising of and filling up of vacancies is a continuous process," she said. "Vacancies arise due to normal retirement, voluntary retirements, deaths, promotions or creation of posts. Vacancies are filled primarily through open market recruitment and promotions."

To a separate question, she said there was a backlog of 1,814 vacancies of SCs in Group 'C' service of the Railways and 1,688 for STs. There is no backlog of vacancies of SC and ST in recruitment for Group A and B.

Source: The Times of India

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