Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Grant of Variable Increment to high performers in the Pay Band 3

No.1/1/2009-Estt.Pay I


Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

(Department of Personnel and Training)

New Delhi,dated the 13th July, 2009


SUBJECT:     Grant of Variable Increment to high performers in the Pay Band 3- recommendation of the 6th Cpc

     The Sixth Central Pay Commission in Para 2.2.12 of its report, has recommended grant of higher rate of increment to not more than 20% of Group A officers in the Pay Band-3. As per the recommendations,for Group A officers in PB 3,annual increments in the band will vary depending upon the performance of the officer. The recommendations of the Pay Commission were considered and accepted with modification to the extent that Variable Increment may be granted @4% instead of 3.5% recommended by the Commission to not more than 20% High Performers in PB 3.

2.     All Ministries/Departments are requested to give their suggestions, before the guidelines for grant of Variable Increment are formulated & finalised by this Department. The suggestions should reach the undersigned within a month of the issue of this Office Memorandum failing which it will be presumed that the concerned Ministry/Department has no suggestion to make and this Department will proceed with the process of framing of guidelines in the matter.

(Rita Mathur)
Director (Pay)

more details... www.persmin.nic.in


Anonymous,  July 16, 2009 at 12:36 PM  

this would be a divide & rulr
policy and is not appreciable.This would not increase efficieny but will increase............?????????


Anonymous,  August 1, 2009 at 6:00 AM  

The variable increment for high performer should be extended to all in DRDO irrespective of the cadre to motivate & work together for the interest of the organisation & country.