Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Muslims in Government Services

Government has said that statistics of employment of Minority community persons, including Muslims, in the Central Government Services is not maintained on the basis of a particular religion but for all the five minority communities as a whole.

Giving this information in the Rajya Sabha in a written reply Shri Salman Khurshid, Minister for Minority Affairs, said that the guidelines issued by Department of Personnel & Training (DOPT) on 8th January, 2007 include instructions for monitoring the progress in recruitment of minorities in all Ministries/ Departments, public sector enterprises, public sector banks and financial institutions. The data is not collected minority community-wise or service-wise by the DOPT, but for the five minority communities as a whole. The number of persons belonging to the minority communities recruited during the last three years in the various Ministries/departments and their organisations are given below.

2006 - 072007 - 082008 - 09
Minorities recruited in
respect of 70
Minorities recruited in
respect of 61
Minorities recruited in
respect of 32

Shri Khurshid futher said that the Prime Minister’s New 15 Point Programme for the Welfare of Minorities provides for giving special consideration to minority communities in recruitment of police personnel, Central police forces, railways, nationalized banks and public sector enterprises and for this purpose, the composition of selection committees should be representative. In pursuance of this, the Department of Personnel & Training (DOPT) has issued Office Memorandum on 8th January, 2007. The salient features of this Office Memorandum are as follows:-

(i) The composition of Selection Committees should be representative. It should be mandatory to have one member belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe and one member belong to minority community in Selection Boards/Committees for making recruitment to 10 or more vacancies.

(ii) Where the number of vacancies against which selection is to be made is less than 10, efforts should be made to have the Scheduled Caste/Tribe officer and a Minority community officer included in such Committees/Boards.

(iii) Wide publicity should be given to all appointments in Government, public sector enterprises and public sector banks and financial institutions. Advertisements should be issued in the language(s) spoken by a large number of people of the State/UTs, apart from English and Hindi. Further, for Group C and D level posts, having only basic qualifying requirements, information about vacancies for recruitment should also be disseminated through schools and colleges in that area, in addition to normal channels.

(iv) Where there is concentration of minority community population in local areas, the vacancy circular in local language may be distributed in those areas by suitable arrangements.

In addition to the Office Memorandum of Department of Personnel & Training (DOPT) dated 8th January, 2007 for giving special consideration to minorities in recruitment, as envisaged in the Prime Minister’s New 15 Point Programme for the Welfare of Minorities and also one of the decisions of the Government on the follow-up action on the recommendations of the Sachar Committee, three scholarship schemes and a coaching & allied scheme have been introduced exclusively for students from the minority communities. These schemes would enable students from the minority communities to pursue education starting from the primary level to higher education, including technical and professional courses, and provide coaching for employment in jobs in the Government and private sector enabling them to compete effectively.


Anonymous,  August 26, 2009 at 12:29 PM  

It is welcomed, because SC/ST are in the remote villages are still suffering from poverty, untouchability even after converted to Chritian community, they still and not getting social and respectable status in the indian community. Moreover, it will never be changed even after reomoval of reservation, in this country. As such, the reservation giving to converted people is very much essential.