Reservation for Dalit Muslims & Dalit Christians
The Government has said that the National Commission for Minorities (NCM) has recommended that Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes(SC/ST) converts to Christianity or Islam should continue to enjoy all privileges and benefits as SCs/STs.
Giving this information in the Rajya Sabha today in a written reply Shri Salman Khurshid, Minister for Minority Affairs, said that in 1995, National Commission for Minorities, under Section 9(1) of the National Commission for Minorities Act 1992, recommended that Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes(SC/ST) converts to Christianity or Islam should continue to enjoy all privileges and benefits as SCs/STs on par with the SC/ST converts to Buddhism.
Further, in 1997, NCM, under Section 9(1) of the NCM Act 1992, recommended for the outright removal of the Proviso in Constitution(Scheduled Caste) Order, 1950 which confines the SC status strictly to three specified religions.
Further, the National Commission for Minorities, in their Annual Report for 2006-07, have recommended that Christian and Muslim dalits, must be given the benefit of affirmative action through reservation.
Source: PIB
This kind of arrangement will be ridiculous! The ostensible reason why dalits are converting to hinduism is because they claim to be discriminated against by hindus. Obviously christians and muslims are not going to discriminate against their new co-religionists. They are no more 'dalit'. Hence they have no right to any kind of reservation meant for the 'oppressed dalits'.
I think these 'oppressed' christians and muslims basically do not know what they want in their lives.
it is very much necessary govt shall take dission to scrap para 3 of presidential sc order 1950 and provide equal apportunity to all citizen.
Its extremely necessary for the Scheduled Caste people to continue to have the status SC status in reservation in jobs, education and all the benefits which government extends the benefits for the downtrodden community of the Schedule Caste people even though they convert in Christianity. Every citizen in India has the right to practice their religion. The status of SC/ST is given if Dalits are converted to Buddhisam and other religions but where as they Convert to Christianity the reservation is Lost. Why? The Scheduled Tribe people can follow Christianity but not Scheduled Caste man. This is merely unjustice to Dalits who convert to Christainity. Its high time for the Government to consider the reservation to Dalits who convert to Christianity/Islam or other religion they like. Every Dalit's heart is burning with anger. The day will come the Dalit Christains will not keep quiet. They will fight for their cause. The now Government should take immediate steps and implement the Reservation to Dalits who convert to Christanity.
This is one of the National Shame
Govt. must come out from this kind of mind set , reservation based on caste & religion is useless also this is one kind of madness, also this policy will increase religious conversion & confusion as we are facing all over India, if this govt. really like this to continue in future also. Govt. means that is for all ( All means : for all the religion )
Modern India needs only Talent not ( Religions ) that based on religion - PM sir will not allow this kind of politics in his govt. Enough is enough
Providing SC status to Scheduled caste people (Dalits) in jobs and education is a previlage given to them to uplift them in the society. when it is permitted to Hinduism, Bhuddism and Sikhism. why can't Christianity and Islam. where ever SC goes, he should get the previlages which is due to him/her. Discrimination in the name of Religion (particularly in Christianity and Islam) is a greatest injustice done to Dalits. When it is allowed to ST category, why not SC? The Government of India should come forward to amend the law to provide SC status to Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims.
Dr. Ambedkar fought for a separate reservation for Dalits (SCs & STs), why because they are socially, educationally and economically backward. Religion should not be an obstacle for Dalits to get their rights and privileges. Further, Dalits should not be discriminated in the name of religion. Whatever religion they embrace, they remain Dalits only; they are called as Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims and their condition remains the same. Which religion in the world gives social, educational and economic status to an individual?
As long as they are called Dalits, they are entitled to get the SC stauts and privileges in education, jobs etc. Dalits is not a mere word, it symbolizes their status (downtrodden) in the society. Providing reservation to Dalit Christians and Dalit muslims is a positive approach, though it is belated.
Being a member of Dalit community, I strongly welcome this issue. Those who are interested in the development of our nation would certainly welcome this issue and support it. People who criticize and oppose this issue are not concerned about the development of our country; they do not want the Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims to come up in their lives.
Congress government is doing many things to streamline the ups and downs of the society, I am sure that the Congress led union government would take necessary steps to implement the recommendations of National Commission on Minorities headed by Justice Ranganath Mishra, making suitable amendments in the Constitution of India to provide SC status to Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims on par with SCs in Hinduism and Buddhism.
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