Incentive increments to the sportspersons for outstanding sports achievements at National and International levels
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
New Delhi dated the 6th May, 2010
Subject:: Incentive increments to the sportspersons for outstanding sports achievements at National and International levels.
Reference is invited to this Department's OM of even umber dated 26th August, 2008 and subsequent reminders dated 3rd October, 2008, 12th December,2008, 3rd September,2009 22nd October,2009 and on 18th December,2009 whereby it has been requested to furnish views regarding the quantum of lump-sum incentives to be granted to sportspersons who win a Gold, Silver or Bronze medal in the National / International Tournaments. A copy of the OM dated 26th August, 2008 has been uploaded on the DOPT's website ie.
2. All the Ministries / Departments are again requested to expedite the matter and furnish their considered views by 31st May 2010 failing which it will be presumed that the Ministry / Department has no comments to furnish.
(Rita Mathur)
1. All Ministries / Departments of Government of India etc. as per standard list.
2. NIC for uploading the OM Reminder under the head 'pay'/'what's New' Column of the website of this Department's ie.
All MinistrireslDepartments except followinq Ministries / Departments
1. MHA (IB), BSF
2. M / Railways
3. M / Water Resources
4. M / Communication and information Technology
(i) D / lnformation &Technology (ii) D / Posts
5. M / New and Renewable Energy
6. M / Chemical & Fertilizer
7. M / Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise
8. M / Urban Developrnent,CPWD
9. M / External Affairs
10. M / Science & Technology
11. M / Textiles
12. M / Health & Family Welfare
13. M / Corporate Affair
14. M / Consumer Affairs, Food and PD
15. M / Youth Affairs & Sports
17. M / Road Transport & Highways
18. M / Finance(D/Economic Affairs)
Dear Sir,
Subject:: Incentive increments to the sportspersons for outstanding sports achievements at National and International levels.
As you have declared on 6th may, 2010 that sportperson will get incentive. We from ICAR are organising zonal and interzonal sports and staff of ICAR Employees are participating in the same. We ICAR employees Govt. may kindly clarify that we are also eligible for the same incentive for zonal and inter zonal sports. We may also be given incentives as we play for the ICAR.
Thanking you
yours faithfully
sports increments are surely better than one time lumpsum (as it was given in other pay commission-under small family planning norms) Kindly don't take away the benefit of 5 increments as given earlir
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